Thursday, November 2nd, 2017
Tonight, our chapter had the privilege of hosting Dr. DeStefano, a UMD professor within the department of Cellular Biology and Molecular Genetics. Dr. DeStefano shared the major developments of his research, which focuses on the study of HIV reverse transcriptase (RT) and the nucleocapsid of protein (NC) and their role in the processes of retroviral recombination and replication, across a few decades of study. He left us students with some very important words -set high standards for yourself - and more that hopefully encourages us all to make the most of the time we have as students at UMD. Tonight's slides can be found here. Thanks to all who were able to come.
Our next general body meeting (GBM) will be held on Thursday, November 16th at 6 PM in CHM1402. To track your attendance at our GBMs and volunteering events, please see here (Links to an external site.). Prior to then, the Lakeland STARs science demonstration will take place next Wednesday (11/8) and Thursday (11/9). More details forthcoming.