Maryland Day 2018: Viewing Cells with Clip-on Phone Microscope
April 29th, 2018
This was a BIG day for all of us since it was Maryland Day. As visitors from all places rushed to UMD, we were more than excited to showcase our latest technology and how it enabled human to view the world differently. We introduced the concept of microscope using 3D printed clip and glass bead to observe onion slice, yeast, and cheek cells. Participants could attach the clip to their phone and take pictures of the cells.
These clips were printed at Dr. Paukstelis's 3D printing lab. The tiny transparent beads were purchased and placed inside a hole in the middle of the clip to act as a magnifying glass. Volunteers instructed visitors to prepare sample slides from the outer layer of onion slices, yeast, and their cheek cells. Visitors swabbed the inside of their cheeks with a Q-tip dipped in salt water for about one minute, then rubbed it on a glass slide. Volunteers then added a drop of methylene blue to the slide, covered with cover slip, and rubbed away excess dye. For onion and yeast, we used iodine stain. The slide was inserted into the upper part of the clip in the picture so that the cover slip would face the bead. The other side of the clip helped it attach to the front-facing camera of a smartphone or ipad to display the picture. For better image, we tried both handheld flashlight and phone flashlight, but phone flashlight yielded clearer images. Participants could attach the clip to their phone and take pictures of the cells.
For younger kids who were not very familiar with cells, we also offered lava lamp by dropping alka-seltzer in a glass of half colored water, half oil, and behold, colorful bubbles emerged!
Here are some pictures at our table:
Volunteers are helping a little visitor prepare sample slide.
"I guess I'll use this dye."
Clip-on phone microscope, printed at Dr. Paukstelis's lab. The tiny glass bead is placed in a hole in the middle of the clip to magnify the sample. Sample slide is inserted to the upper part of the clip with cover slip facing the bead. The clip is then attach to the front-facing camera of an electronic device.
Can you guess what cell is this?
Also, special thanks our members (Lexie, SiJia, Julie, Yutong, and Amanda) for devoting their time to assist us. There will be a second event tomorrow at Tarbiyah Academy. If you wish to attend at the last minute, please contact our president asap at
From left: Sangho, Andrea, Yutong, Amanda, and Ai. Not all members are here unfortunately.
Thank you and hope you all enjoy the rest of the weekend!